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Parents Plus summer training schedule for professionals.

Parents Plus summer training schedule for professionals.

We are offering a series of comprehensive training sessions across our evidenced-based programmes, designed to empower professionals like you to make a significant impact in the lives of families and children you work with.

From the early years to adulthood, and also supporting complex needs, the Parents Plus suite of evidence-based parenting and mental health programme trainings for professionals will equip you with the skills, practical strategies, and ongoing support, to improve outcomes for the families and children you work with.

Whether you are new to Parents Plus or looking to expand your expertise, these sessions provide invaluable tools and insights.

Parents Plus Early Years Programme One Module Training in Core Delivery

Dates: May 28th
Time: 9.15 AM – 1.30 PM

Only open to facilitators previously trained in Early Years Programme. This alternative delivery allows facilitators to run the programme with individual families in a flexible manner, shaped to their needs over an extended period of time. The programme is suitable for parents who may have an intellectual disability or mental health issues; have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); not use english as their first language; live in unstable accommodation; or be isolated or not engaged in services.

Parents Plus Special Needs Programme Training

Dates: June 17th, 19th, & 20th
Time: 9.15 AM – 1.30 PM

Tailor your skills to support families raising adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The  Parents Plus Special Needs Programme is practical, solution-focused and draws on parents strengths. It is suitable for professionals including social workers, therapists, teachers to assist parents who are raising an older child or adolescent with a mild, moderate or severe intellectual disability, and who may also have an additional diagnosis, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or a physical disability.

Parents Plus Children’s Programme Training

Dates: June 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th, & 25th
Time: 9.15 AM – 1.30 PM

Enhance your ability to assist parents in managing behaviour and fostering positive emotional development in children.

This programme provides in-depth training on managing behaviour and emotional challenges, building self-esteem in children, and reducing parental stress. 

The Children’s Programme facilitator training is suitable for a range of professionals, including:

– HSE Primary Care Teams such as Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Public Health Nurses
– Family Resource Centres
– Children and Young People’s Services Committees
– Home School Liaison Officers (HSCL), TESS
– Primary School Teachers. 
– TUSLA Parenting Support Champions Project
– TUSLA Child and Family Agency Teams  
– Regional Parent support networks such as Parenting Monaghan, Parent Hub Donegal and Parenting Limerick 
– Area Based Childhood Programme (ABC) such as Supporting Parents & Early Childhood Services (SPECS), Bray 
– HSE Sláintecare Healthy Communities

Parents Plus Adolescents Programme Training

Dates: June 26th, 27th, 28th, and July 1st & 2nd
Time: 9.15 AM – 1.30 PM

Learn strategies to support families raising an adolescent through their critical developmental changes and challenges.

The Parents Plus Adolescent Programme facilitator training is practical and solution-focused and will provide you with the essential skills and learning to achieve the best outcomes for the parents and families who attend your service. The training focuses on:

– Developing an in-depth understanding of this programme.
– Delivering the programme via face-to-face and online sessions to groups and individual families.
– Providing opportunities to observe and practise the skills to become a solution-focused facilitator.
– Building on parents’ strengths as a basis for ongoing change.
– Strengthening inter-agency and community partnerships

Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and make a positive impact on the lives of children, adolescents, and families. Join the Parents Plus Programme Training this Summer and unlock your potential, connect with a community of professionals, and embark on a fulfilling growth and professional development journey.

To reserve your spot or find out more about any of our programmes, please visit our booking page or contact our Impact Lead Vicki Byrne directly at

We encourage you to book early as spaces are limited and fill up quickly. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and expand your professional network this summer.

We look forward to having you join us for these enriching experiences that promise to enhance your expertise and enable you to provide even greater support to the families and children work with.