Community Review of 2024
As we come to the end of the year we’d like to give a shout out to the great practitioners we collaborated with throughout 2024. We are always inspired by the work and commitment from the practitioners and managers providing high quality support to families. Well done and thank you to all involved from all of us here in Parents Plus. We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2025 and beyond!
We asked facilitators to send us some highlights and feedback from the year. Read their contributions below from:
🌟 Bolster Community Northern Ireland
🌟 Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development (KTHCDP)
🌟 Athy Community Family Resource Centre
🌟 Northumberland County Council – Family Hubs
🌟 22q11 Ireland
🌟 Inishowen Development Partnership Ireland
🌟 Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
🌟 Northside Family Resource Centre
🌟 North Somerset Council

Bolster Community, Northern Ireland
Caroline Potter from Bolster Community got in touch with us to highlight the brilliant work being done by the team at Bolster Communities in Northern Ireland.
“Our colleague Gemma Bowker, has shown total commitment to spreading the word about Parents Plus here. Gemma has been a Family Support Worker with Bolster Community for six years, and prior to training in Parents Plus group delivery, she was frustrated that so many families were facing the same issues at the same time. She recognised that by bringing them together in groups she could help them build on their own strengths and find their own solutions. She has trained in the Parents Plus Special Needs, ADHD, Adolescent and Children’s programmes, and since completing her first training she has delivered ten programmes in total.”
We have delivered four Parents Plus Special Needs Programmes (PPSN) in St Paul’s High School in Bessbrook. As a result of that collaboration and their continued support for the programme, The Buddies, who are all adults with additional needs, were able to set up pop-up shops to sell the candles they make. We hope to continue delivering the programme and build on our fantastic relationship with the school in the future.
While running the PPSN we listened carefully to parents’ fears about the future and subsequently submitted a partnership funding proposal to the Department of the Economy to bridge the supports gap for young people over 16 with a learning disability.
We regularly co-deliver a range of Parents Plus programmes with the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT) staff and we have advocated for the Parents Plus Children’s Programme to be included as part of the Early Intervention Support Service contract which is aligned to the SHSCT Family Support Hubs.
Feedback from Parents
Feedback from parents raising a child with a learning disability highlights feelings of isolation and fears for the future. The peer support gained from attending the PPSN programme is invaluable and talking about the future takes some of the fear away. Parents report that they feel less alone by finding other parents in similar situations to them.
“The Parents Plus ADHD Programme was so helpful to me. It taught me how to deal with the challenges ADHD brings and how to deal more positively and press the PAUSE button. I understand my child better and am more able to build their self-esteem. It was lovely to meet other parents going through similar journeys. I don’t feel so alone anymore”
Well done Bolster Community for the commitment to the families you work with.

Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development
Mary Boyne from Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development got in touch to tell us about the fantastic work they are doing in Kerry with the Parents Plus Early Years Programme to support their families. She had this to say:
“We have run several Parents Plus programmes with parents this year in Killarney, Tralee, and Listowel, and have carried out several one to one parent support sessions using the Parents Plus Early Years Core Programme all over Kerry. So far this year we have worked with 68 families. Our courses have waiting lists, and take up to 15 people. We are looking at a new group of young parents for the new year.”
This is a fantastic project supporting traveller parents across Kerry.

Athy Community Family Resource Centre
Jayne Sherlock and Selena Meinin have run three Early Years Programmes, four Children’s Programmes and two Healthy Families Workshops in 2024!
Parents attending the groups experienced really positive outcomes. Feedback from professionals supporting some of the families highlighted the very positive impacts the programme had in helping parents turn things around in very challenging circumstances.
A parent who attended a group left some lovely feedback. They said “It was life changing attending this programme.”
Always lovely to hear of the positive impact of the Parents Plus programmes. Well done Athy FRC.

Northumberland County Council and Family Hubs
Vicki Collins, Practice and Project Development Officer, Early Intervention and Prevention Children’s Services in Northumberland County Council, and her colleagues, trained in the Parents Plus Parenting When Separated Programme earlier this year. Here is what she had to say:
“This year, we have had 12 newly trained practitioners who have hit the ground running. We have had lots of referrals for PWS due to launching new communications, leaflets and providing training to wider teams. 15 parents have accessed support and we are very excited to provide more programmes in 2025. In Northumberland we have run two Parents Plus Parenting When Separated courses in Sept – December 2024. In addition to this, we have a strong regional offer and send referrals to our local partners. With services pooling resources and working together we are able to provide many programme options for our parents to attend – 4 to 6 different dates and times each term.”
We asked Vicki if there was any parent feedback that stood out from those who attended the Parenting When Separated group?
“One parent really has been empowered by the support she has had from the group and is notably more positive in self-worth and confidence. She did not want the group to end so is now a member of our Family Panels and becoming a volunteer to help shape the future of family hubs and spread the message about the Parenting When Separated Programme.”
Well done to all involved in this collaborative initiative in the North East!

22q11 Ireland
Anne Lawlor is the chairperson of the Irish based charity 22q11 Ireland. They are a small parent-led wholly voluntary charity with no paid staff. They run a CHI 22q clinic and Anne got in touch to recognise the work and effort of the clinic coordinator, Wesley Mulcahy.
Wesley initiated the Parents Plus Special Need Programme within the clinic and works closely with his colleague Dr Suzane Kelleher to deliver this programme to parents.
Anne wanted Wesley to receive the recognition that he deserves in providing effective support for the many families he works with! Wesley is an experienced Parents Plus facilitator and has trained in the Parents Plus Children’s, Special Needs and Working Things Out Programmes.
Wonderful to hear of the great parent support work being done at 22q11 Ireland!

Inishowen Development Partnership
Inishowen Development Partnership (IDP), based in Co. Donegal, are one of 49 Local Development Companies across Ireland.
Special mention goes out to The Resilience Health and Well-being Team at IDP, Team Lead Particia Lee, Project Administrator Claire Doherty, as well as our community facilitators Sheila Keyes, Alison Bardini, Colleen Kearney and Jacqueline Culligan, who were engaged to deliver on our parenting supports.
This year we focused on wellness and self-care for parents, ending the year with a finale wellness event before Christmas, which saw over 30 parents attend a wellness morning. Under Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme (SHCP), IDP were able to offer seven Parents Plus Programmes including the Special Needs, Parenting When Separated, ADHD and Healthy Families Programmes. 67 parents participated in the groups. They also ran 10 Healthy Families workshops which were attended by over 200 parents throughout 2024.
The success of recruitment was down to our promotion and communications teams here in IDP, led by Katie Barr and our Resilience and Well-being Development Officer Sheila Keyes, and her knowledge of the peninsula, the families living here, and their parenting support needs.
Some lovely feedback from a parent who attended the Parents Plus Special Needs Programme: “This creates a safe place and space for me to connect and learn and grow – thanks to all at
Well done to all the Inishowen team for your dedication to providing this support to families in your community.

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Lisa Whitlock, the Lead Coordinator of the Parenting Team in CAMHS Gloucestershire, got in touch to recognise the important work being done by her colleagues using the Parents Plus Special Needs Programme and the Parents Plus ADHD Childrens Programme:
The CAMHS Learning Disability team worked with the Parents Plus team this year to review the needs of the families they work with in Gloucestershire. 10 team members trained in both the Parents Plus Early Years Programme and Special Needs Programme so they could put together a programme to deliver to parents of children aged 3 to 16 years with special educational needs and learning disabilities. With a focus on parent self-care, and using resources from both programmes, the team have delivered four bespoke programmes targeting early intervention for these families.
Parents have really enjoyed the group discussions and having a safe place to talk. They reported positive effects on their relationships with their children, and in particular a growing confidence in communicating with their child. Parents also liked the pause button.
There are six more programmes planned for 2025!
Gloucestershire CAMHS also now provide the Parents Plus ADHD Programme to families attending their service. Ten programmes were provided in 2023/24 with an average of 13 parents per group, and 71% of the parents attended more than 70% of sessions.
15 further Parents Plus ADHD groups will be delivered in 2025.
The teams and the parents have loved the programme, which focuses on the differences, strengths and needs of being Neurodivergent – moving away from the idea that the child must be encouraged to change, and taking a more holistic approach to the system around the child to be collaborative, cooperative and understanding of times when the child “Can’t” not “Won’t”.
The Parents Plus ADHD Parent Book and Solution Focused facilitation encourages empathetic, calmer and realistic approaches with their child by using Parent Plus’s fundamental message of ‘Pause, Tune in and Plan’.
Feedback from Parents after the final group session
“Inspired by other parents tips and techniques.”
“Probably the feeling of being around other Dads in a group with similar issues and feeling less alone.”
“Talking about ADHD with my child in a positive way.”
“I finally felt heard – My daughter is going to thrive and isn’t going to have to be made change to please others. The sessions and Parent book have given me ways to have her back.”
“Understanding my son better and how his brain works.”
Great work being done here, and looking forward to collaborating in 2025.

Midwest FRC Forum Parenting When Separated Project
A shout out to the FRC Forum Parenting When Separated project, who successfully ran 5 programmes across the year. Facilitation teams from 5 Family resource centres covered the programmes – West Clare FRC, Northside FRC, Sligo FRC, Shannon FRC and Killaloe FRC.
There were 85 referrals to the Parents Plus Parenting When Separated Programme (PWS) in 2024, 60 parents participated in the PWS programmes with a 78% completion rate.
We had some very positive feedback from parents on the support offered by facilitators to participants.
“They made sure everyone had their say.”
“They showed great understanding of everyone’s personal feelings and emotions.”
“The facilitators listened and were very respectful to everyone’s situations.”
Parents highlighted the most helpful parts of the course:
“To be able to hear how separation affects both sides. So it was great to hear the mothers on the course and get feedback from them.”
“Talking with other parents, knowing people are going through similar issues.”
“Sharing drop off and collection strategies.”
Well done to this collaborative FRC project for your continued commitment to providing the PWS.

North Somerset Council
Emma Pattinson, Family Wellbeing Parenting Lead, got in touch to tell us about her colleague championing the Parents Plus programme work in North Somerset. She had this to say:
“I would like to take a moment to formally recognise the outstanding contributions of Lauren Nurse, our Senior Parenting Coordinator, in ensuring the delivery of a high-quality Parenting when Separated (PWS) Programme. Over the last 12 months, Lauren has gone above and beyond in her role, consistently demonstrating dedication and commitment to the success of the programme. Through her collaborative work with Bristol City Council (BCC), Lauren has played a crucial role in expanding the reach and effectiveness of the groups. By working jointly with BCC, we have been able to increase the size of our groups, ensuring a diverse mix of resident and non-resident parents, as well as maintaining excellent group dynamics.
Lauren has also shown incredible flexibility. When other facilitators were unavailable, she stepped in to run groups, ensuring that there was no disruption to the programme. Her close collaboration with BCC has been invaluable in providing support to parents and ensuring that we maintain the fidelity of the PWS Programme, which is vital to its success.
Lauren’s efforts have made a real difference to the parents we support, and I want to sincerely thank her for her hard work and dedication. Her contributions have truly helped to strengthen the programme, and we are fortunate to have her on our team.”
North Somerset ran six Parents Plus Programmes in 2024 including the Parenting when Separated, the Adolescents and the Special Needs Programmes.
Well done to the teams in North Somerset and Bristol for the work you are doing providing support to parents and families.