Parent Plus ADHD Children’s Programme – Videos
Session 2
Abigail Patikis
Two videos from Abigail Patikis Abgail is an Autistic ADHDer, a parent to 3 neurodivergent children A Parents Plus Facilitator within CAMHS An educator, trainer and advocate for ADHD and Autism
Dr Blánaid Gavin, Consultant Psychiatrist
Thirteen short videos from Dr Blánaid Gavin, Consultant Psychiatrist
What is ADHD?
Conditions Associated with ADHD
How Common is ADHD?
What are causes of ADHD?
ADHD and the Brain
Do Children Grow Out of ADHD?
ADHD Negative Feedback, Self-Esteem, Mental Health
Emotional Dysregulation
Flashpoints, Routines and Homework
Further Assessment
Why do a Parenting Programme?
Working with Your Child’s School
Session 3
Video 4.2: Using Rewards
Video 3.2: Encouragement Rather than Criticism
Video 3.3: The Best Way to Encourage Children
Session 5
There are no prescribed videos to be shown in Session 5. However, if you did not
show Video 1.5 and Video 5.2 from Session 4, it may be an option to show them